
What is a Salesforce Consultant?

A Salesforce Consultant works to help companies meet their mission by assisting with or leading implementation as well as driving ongoing system improvements on the Salesforce platform.

They seek to understand the business requirements of their clients so they can provide expert help with planning and implementation, or improving productivity and results from an existing Salesforce deployment.

Managing the various stakeholders within a client’s business, a Consultant comes to understand their business needs, partnering with various teams to implement projects, and providing training and support on the platform.

Why do I need a Salesforce Consultant?

We’ve found 4 major reasons why a Salesforce Consultant may be right for your business:

  1. People Constraints – You have hired your team for what they can do, and Salesforce is not in their wheelhouse. You don’t think hiring a full-time employee to manage Salesforce is a good investment at this time. Or, you have a FT Salesforce admin and they need some extra help.
  2. Time Constraints – Every person on your team right now is full-up on their responsibilities and doesn’t have the bandwidth to learn, built out, or manage a complicated software platform like Salesforce.
  3. Skill Constraints – 
  4. Money Constraints – 


If you are lost when it comes to Salesforce, or you need assistance in achieving your goals with a significant Salesforce investment, please reach out today!