Recommended Salesforce Integration Profile Setup

Need to setup the Hubspot to Salesforce integration? Need help on how to configure the integration user’s profile in Salesforce? Click here to read more.

I had to learn the hard way.

After two short weeks into my very first Salesforce Administrator position, my boss decided the company was in good (enough) hands with me and left to pursue an amazing new opportunity at another firm.

Thing is, my boss had their digital work identity, aka work email address, tied up as the administrator on pretty much all of the other tools in our tech stack.

For most of the tools, it was a quick change of email and no one was the wiser. 

But not for Salesforce. Nope, Salesforce is a whole ‘nother beast.

Since Salesforce was the system of record, all of those other tools sync their data with the big blue cloud.

If the User that enables all those syncs happens to get deactivated, then all the syncs fail.

Fortunately for me, I have my friends at Wizards of Ops to ping with questions like this: 

“Nooooo!!! What the heck should I do! Hubspot stopped syncing with Salesforce. I’m getting all these errors! Aaarrrrgghhh! HELP!”

First response I got was: “What was the last thing you did in Salesforce?” I deactivated the previous admin. “Yup, were they the integration user to Hubspot?” Yeah, why? “There’s your problem right there. Setup an integration user and the klaxons will stop.”

Aside from the fact that Salesforce charges for this user license just like any other one, it is best practice, and highly recommended, to have a dedicated integration user for any platform that syncs lots of data with Salesforce

This is all you need to set up an Integration User’s Profile with the permissions it needs to do its job, and no more:

1. Go to Setup>Profiles: Clone the Standard User Profile, and add these permissions to the new profile:

  • API Enabled.
  • View Setup and Configuration enabled.
  • Modify All Data enabled on any objects (accounts, campaigns, contacts, leads, or opportunities) which will sync with your external systems.
  • Modify Metadata permission enabled (to view any that may be displayed in a Visualforce window).
  • Download AppExchange Packages enabled.
  • Password Never Expires enabled.

2. Go to the Object Manager: Have the Task “Type” field be Visible to the new integration user profile.

That’s it! That’s all you need!

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